1. Omnisphere 2 Parameters Numbers 1
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  3. Omnisphere 2 Pc
  4. Omnisphere 2 Parameters Numbers List

Ample Metal Eclipse II (AME) aim to bring the ESP Eclipse I Guitar sound to your studio.

Your procedure apparently takes two parameters, @myDate and @ServerName, which you have not declared yet. Do so by adding the names and the types between the procedure name and AS. When calling sp1 to sp4, there is no need to specify the data type of the parameters again (that's been taken care of by the declaration, see point 1). May 11, 2018  Of course, it would be a LOT better if Spectrasonics added NKS. What Persing has done instead is set up Omnisphere to work within the limitations of what a specific hardware synth can do (finite numbers of knobs, switches, etc) rather than offering us the ability to use a controller to do practically everything that Omnisphere can do.



  • Size: 3.5 GB, 24-bit 44.1kHz.
  • DFD (Direct from disk).
  • Each Cycle & Rhombic Sampling structure – Separate sample cycle for each note and vel layer to improve sample utilization efficiency.
  • Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Palm Mute, Artificial Harmonic 8 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.
Omnisphere 2 Parameters Numbers


  • Default tuning is C G C F A D.
  • Cycle+ – Triple the numbers of sample cycles.
  • Significant optimization for playing strum in solo mode by slightly delay notes of bar chords, achieving more realistic strum.
  • Pick Attack – Enhance stroke intensity of attack.
  • Capo Logic – Intelligent play according to guitar rules.
  • Doubling Guitars – different samples at L & R.
  • CPC (Customized Parameters Control) – any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
  • Poly Legato.
  • Slide Smoother.
  • Open String First.
  • Alternate Tuner.
  • Capo – Transpose without need to modify midi.

Tab Player:

  • The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.
  • The Tab Player supports all the fingering, looping, chords, articulations and other markers in the loaded tablature. Supported articulations articulations include: Strum, Natural Harmonic, Artificial Harmonic, Hammer On/Pull Off, Trill, Bend, Tremolo Bar, Legato Slide, Slide In, Slide Out, Vibrato, Tremolo Picking, Palm Mute, Popping, Tapping, Let Ring, Staccato, Dead Note, Grace Note, Ghost Note, Accentuated Note, Fade In, etc.
  • As a built-in function, the Tab Player works seamlessly with the Ample Sound instrument engine, which has extremely customized guitar playing logic so as to model a real world guitar being played. The Tab Player can even judge on its own to automatically add some refining articulations when it thinks it is appropriate, such as slapping on strings or body, or other realistic and indispensable noises.
  • Strumming is an important factor of guitar playing. By taking advantage of the Ample Guitar Strummer engine, the Tab Player can not only mingle different articulations into strumming, but can also alternate between strumming several strings (i.e. multiple notes) simultaneously and strum at a particular string (i.e. one note).


  • 14 Strum notes + 28 ways to play for every chord.
  • Strum Legato – both Slide and HP can be played while strumming.
  • Easy Strum Time Control via velocity.
  • Body Resonance and Mute Depth.
  • Total and Each Strum time, 4 humanization settings.
  • Chord banks designed for metal genre and Drop C fingering, Customized Chords in Select or Detect mode.
  • Chord inversions to Positions.
  • Strum SEQ with customized rhythm.
  • Strum patterns designed for metal genre with drag&drop support.

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Omnisphere 2 Parameters Numbers 1

Fruity Parametric EQ 2 is an advanced 7-Band parametric equalizer plugin with spectral analysis. Equalizing is the process of increasing or decreasing the loudness of specific frequencies. The Band type(shape), center frequency and width of each Band are fully adjustable. You can choose from: High Shelf, Low Shelf, Peaking, Band Pass, Notch, Low Pass, High Pass or Band Pass filters for each Bandindependently. There is also a global gain slider to adjust the overall volume.

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When to use: Parametric EQ 2 is a good choice whenever precise control over EQ is required (e.g. Mastering and controlling or enhancing specific frequencies at an instrument level). Alternatively, if screen space is tight use Fruity Parametric EQ, or for a graphic EQ, try EQUO. NOTE: If you require even more precise control over EQ you can click and drag on the plugin window to resize Parametric EQ2 or use the off-line Equalize Tool in Edison provides the greatest precision of allthe EQ plugins.

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  1. Band Type & Filter Slope Selectors - Note that the upper section shows different shapes (Band Type) with dots below each shape (Filter Slope).
    • Band Type - Left-click and drag up/down to change the filter type between OFF and:
      • Low Pass - Filters high frequencies starting around the cutoff.
      • Band Pass - Allows a narrow band to pass either side of the cutoff.
      • High Pass - Filters low frequencies starting at the cutoff.
      • Notch - Cuts frequencies around the cutoff
      • Low Shelf - Similar to a bass EQ.
      • Peaking - The default, affects only frequencies around the cutoff.
      • High Shelf - Like a treble EQ.
    • Filter Slope - Left-click and drag up/down on the dot/s below each band shape to select filter slope:
      • Drag Down - Steep 4 (-24 dB/Oct), Steep 6 (-36 dB/Oct)& Steep 8 (-48 dB/Oct).
      • Center - 2 (-12 dB/Oct).
      • Drag Up - Gentle 4 (-24 dB/Oct), Gentle 6 (-36 dB/Oct) & Gentle 8 (-48 dB/Oct).

      Steep and Gentle filters have the same slope but differ around the cutoff frequency. Gentle filters have a more gradual acceleration into the main slope, and so filter more leading into the cutoff frequency compared to the Steep type. Gentle varies between -6 dB (Gentle 4) and -12 dB (Gentle 8) at the cutoff while Steep is always around -3 dB at the cutoff.

    NOTE: The Band Tokens can also be Right-clicked to show menus for Filter Type, Order (slope type) and Key (note frequencies).

  2. EQ Sliders - Adjust the equalization level by sliding up/down. The Band Tokens can also be directly clicked & dragged. Note that Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass and Notch filters don't use thisparameter (so the slider is disabled).
  3. FREQ / BW - Controls the center frequency and bandwidth of the EQ Band.
  4. Band Token - Most Band EQ manipulations can be made by clicking on a Band Token and dragging with the mouse. Mouse wheel controls band-width.
    • Bandwidth - Several methods. 1. Shift+Click and move mouse left/right on Bands; 2. Click the mouse-wheel and do the same, OR 3. Scrollthe mouse-wheel while hovering over the token.
    • Reset Band - Alt+Click a Band to reset a Band.
    • Fine Adjustment - Ctrl+Click a Band to make fine adjustments (same for all knobs and sliders).
    • Main Level - Left-click outside the Bands to adjust the main level control (the cursor will change from pointer to a cross).
    • Filter Type, Order & Key - Right-click on the token to open a menu of Type (Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass, Band Cut, Low Shelf, Peaking and High Shelf), Order / (slope = 12 to 48 dB/Octave) and Key that center the frequency band of the Token to the fundamental frequency of the selected note.
  5. Options and Settings - From left to right:
    • Options:
      • Lock spare state - Prevents the comparison temporary save state from being overwritten.
      • High precision monitor - Increases the resolution of the background frequency spectrum monitoring at the expense of display latency (plugin audio latency remains unaffected).
      • Legacy monitor - Switches to the frequency-spectrograph algorithm used prior to FL Studio 12. The 'legacy' algorithm tends to blur the lowest frequency bands, but has the advantage it can be easier to identify the center frequency of these low frequency bands.
      • About - Shows version details and credits.
    • HQ - Uses oversampling to improve audio quality, particularly in the region above 15 kHz. NOTE: HQ mode increases CPU load and the resampling associated with this process will cause inter-sample peaks, increasing the output peak levels.
    • View Band tokens - Turns the tokens ON/OFF.
    • Monitor - Turns the spectral monitoring ON/OFF or shows the spectrum of the plugin output.
    • Compare - Click the first down-arrow to save the current EQ settings to a spare bank. Click the up/down arrow control to swap between the saved bank and the main bank. Tweaking any parameter in the spare bank will cause it to become the main bank again. Use this to compare EQ settings. Note that the comparison bank is saved along with the main bank, so keep this in mind if you are creating presets.


Disabled Bands - When the filter type is set to 'off', peaking/shelf Bands that are not amplified will not use CPU resources.

Need more Bands? - You can stack more than one instance of Parametric EQ 2 in a Mixer track to gain more EQ channels - two instances provide 14 Bands of Parametric EQ!

Omnisphere 2 Parameters Numbers Free

Plugin Credits

Omnisphere 2 Pc

Code & GUI: Didier Dambrin.

Omnisphere 2 Parameters Numbers List

Thanks to: Robert Bristow-Johnson for his EQ Cookbook.