
Apr 07, 2020  Windows Media Player-how to transfer audio files from MP3 player to the Windows Media Player library Windows media player. Izotope ozone 9. How do I transfer files from an mp3 player to an empty Windows media library on a new laptop? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Nov 26, 2015  How to export WAV files from groove music to a USB memory stick? Garageband input source ipad. Select the USB drive to which you want to transfer the files to and wait until the transfer is completed. Method 2: To convert the audio files to MP3 format refer to the link below on Burn a CD or DVD in Windows Media Player and check if it helps.

I am working on a special project. This project will be first an external tool used in a prompt (command line). It is planed to create a graphical user interface.
The goal is to be able to export a Mixxx playlist into a Zip file (containing tracks, Mixxx database : Playlist/Tracks/Library/Location and cues)
and import this file into Mixxx.
The fact is that a m3u file is not really interesting when we want to save cues. The other fact is that it's not always possible to copy/paste .Mixxx directory and all media in another computer due to the lack of hard drive space or because directories and files merging is too complicated.
Use cases :
* Working on 2 different computers and need to copy playlists from a work station to a mix station (My use case), it's a pain to sort all tracks again, copy cue points again and set BPM again !
* Be able to save playlist into a format that can be imported later
* Archive a playlist
* Make cleaning in directory where all media tracks can be all over the place and then group all tracks of a playlist easily into one directory
* Isolate a Mix into a directory and avoid mistakes (media files deleted, replaced or modified)
* ..
Here is the help section :
Code: Select all
Mixxx playlist export/import
--help, -h : display this help
--list, -l : display the list of playlists
--list N, -l N : display the list of playlists with N informations type to have (depth)
N value is optionnal, then the default value will be 0
- 0, display the playlist title and its unique identifier as a positive integer
- 1, like 0 and display the list of tracks prefixed with its order in the playlist
- 2, like 1 and display the file location for each track
- 3, like 2 and hotcues list (position and start position)
--show ID N, -s ID N : display the playlist with the specified ID with N informations type to have (depth)
N value is optionnal, then the default value will be 0, see --list for more information about N
--export ID path/to/file.zip, -e ID path/to/file.zip : export the playlist with the specified ID into the specified path/to/file.zip
- ID, the unique identifier for the playlist to export, see --list or --list N
- path/to/file.zip, the path of the zip archive that will be created
This parameter is optionnel. If it is not specified, zip file will be generater as $USER_HOME/mixxxDDD.zip
with DDD the name of the playlist
Notes :
- temporary files are used to generate the archive (/tmp/mixxx/N with N the identifier)
- the default mixxx database is used ($USER_HOME/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite)
- ID can be equal to all, then it is possible to export all playlist in $USER_HOME without specified a path.
If a path is specified, then it must a directory and all zips will put in it.
-- import path/to/file.zip path/todest/dir, -i path/to/file.zip path/todest/dir : import the specified zip file into the current mixxx database
and extract the specified zip into the specified folder
- path/to/file.zip, the path of the zip archive that will be uncompressed
Note : temporary files are used to generate the archive (/tmp/mixxx/dir with dir a directory with the same name of the zip file
Note : the default mixxx database is used ($USER_HOME/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite)
-- save, -s : save the current mixxx database ($USER_HOME/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite) to $USER_HOME/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite.DATE
DATE is the system date and will be something like YYYYMMDD-HHmm, for instance 20140918-1909 (2014/09/18 @ 19h09).

If you have proposal ..
The software has been tested on linux platform, test on windows XP and others will come later.
Mixxx version is 1.10.1, but I intend to contact database developer to have a better view of next evolutions.
What do you need ?
* Have Java JRE 7, Oracle Package for your platform, openJRE has not been tested !
* Have the java binary in your path or specify the absolute path in the command line
* Nothing more, the application is packaged, no need more configurations
* Help ? Come here !
To see versions changes, look at : VERSIONS
Now copy current version somewhere in your computer and go into the directory.
Note : The jar file mixxx_io_current.jar is renamed mixxx_io.jar below
Before, starting using, save your current configuration, 3 ways to do it
* Copy your .mixxx directory (recommended the first time)
* Copy your database file ( ~/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite)

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* Use --save option :
Code: Select all
[email protected]:~/temp$ java -jar mixxx_io.jar --save
Backup /home/elskwi/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite to /home/elskwi/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite.20141106-1027

First, list all mixes :
Code: Select all
[email protected]:~/temp$ java -jar mixxx_io.jar --list
SLF4J: Failed to load class 'org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder'.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Using mixxx database : jdbc:sqlite:/home/elskwi/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite
Auto DJ - 1
Massive Destruction Weapon - 3
ConcordantCrossRoad - 4
When worlds collide - 11
Harder_Than_Techno - 16

If you want more information, append number 1 to 3 (1shows tracks, 2 tracks + path of file, 3 list cues)
Lines prefixed with SLF4J: is not important, I will fix this one day

Code: Select all
[email protected]:~/temp$ java -jar mixxx_io.jar --list 2

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If you want to have more informations about just one mix :
Code: Select all
[email protected]:~/temp$ java -jar mixxx_io.jar --show 11
SLF4J: Failed to load class 'org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder'.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Using mixxx database : jdbc:sqlite:/home/elskwi/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite
When worlds collide - 11

If you want more information, append number 1 to 3 (1shows tracks, 2 tracks + path of file, 3 list cues)
Code: Select all
[email protected]:~/temp$ java -jar mixxx_io.jar --show 11 2

If everything is okay, now we will save a playlist, I will choose When worlds collide - 11
Code: Select all
[email protected]:~/temp$ java -jar mixxx_io.jar -e 11
SLF4J: Failed to load class 'org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder'.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Using mixxx database : jdbc:sqlite:/home/elskwi/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite
Processing play list When worlds collide
01 - copy file ..
.. list all files
28 - copy file
Save mix into /tmp/mixxx/11/11.mix
Save mix into /tmp/mixxx/11/11.xml
Create zip archive : /home/elskwi/mixxxWhen_worlds_collide.zip
-> List all files to add in the zip
-> 29. Homeboy & Lowroller - No Longer Human.mp3

This will copy the zip into your home directory, for me : /home/elskwi/mixxxWhen_worlds_collide.zip
If you need to specify the target directory and the zip file :

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Code: Select all
java -jar mixxx_io.jar --export 7 /home/elskwi/temp/mixes/mixxxSomething_deep_in_my_wound.zip

Notes :
* Save mix into /tmp/mixxx/11/11.mix
* Save mix into /tmp/mixxx/11/11.xml
The mix is saved into these two files, .mix is the binary (java serialized) and this one is used to save and restore the mix.
.xml file could be useful to understand what happened because it's human readable and for other tools.
Now, this is time to see the import :
The command look like that : java -jar mixxx_io.jar -i /home/elskwi/temp/mixes/mixxxConcordantCrossRoad.zip /home/elskwi/test/mixxx
* /home/elskwi/temp/mixes/mixxxConcordantCrossRoad.zip is the path of the zip file you want import
* /home/elskwi/test/mixxx is the directory where the zip file will be extracted, the mix will be put into a directory named 'mixxxMind_Voices'
Code: Select all
[email protected]:~/temp$ java -jar mixxx_io.jar -i /mnt/HDD_1_1/mixxx/mixxxMind_Voices.zip /home/elskwi/test/mixxx
Unzip /mnt/HDD_1_1/mixxx/mixxxMind_Voices.zip into /tmp/mixxx/mixxxMind_Voices
-> ..
.. The list of extracted file
-> ..
Copy ..
.. The list oif copied files
Copy ..
reading playlist from file /tmp/mixxx/mixxxMind_Voices/6.mix [OK]
Playlist read with success Mind_Voices
Update database
SLF4J: Failed to load class 'org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder'.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Using mixxx database : jdbc:sqlite:/home/elskwi/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite
>>> 17
Update tracklocation :..
.. Update the location of each track because locations have changed
Update tracklocation : ..
Save database

Enjoy it !
If lot of people is interested for this tool, I could make a user interface ! (And don't forget to correct misspellings)
And enjoy my mixes here
- Import from version 1.X to version 2 is a success (Compiled on Debian 8 64 with some hacks.. Library Scanner is tricky :/ )
- I will do a fix for a little trouble : Mixxx starts using the directory ~/.local/share/data/Mixxx
- Mixxx_io uses the database in ~/.mixxx/
- Then move directory ~/.local/share/data/Mixxx to ~/.mixxx/ and start mixxx using --settingsPath ~/.mixxxHi all,
as I am very new here, please forgive, if I had nor found an existing entry - if there is one.
I have serched a while, but did not find some answers that fits to my problem.
So, here we are:
I have mixxx 2.0 on my Win7 Pro 64bit PC and on my WIN7 32bit Laptop.
The soundfiles are the same, but in different folders:
- folder 'my music' on the laptop drive c
- folder 'backup-sound..' on the PC staion on drive E:

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On PC and on the laptop the soundfiles are working well, because they are corretly linked to the librarys.
Now, I export a playlist, and try to open that m3u file on ther other computer, it does not work.
As I do not find any hint, I need to ask:
YoutubeIs that normal, because it is a 32bit and the other is a 64bit version?
Is that normal, because the link to the library is different on both computers?
Is that normal, because it is a known bug?
SHOULD that work, usually?
Tanks for any help, as I don´t want to create all playlist in double workload on both computers..